Monday, June 2, 2008

informal letter of business

Dear Mr. batbold,

Let me begin by expressing my thanks to you for bringing to my attention the actions of one of our sales representatives. We periodically monitor the calls of our telemarketers. This is to ensure the quality of our service and the courtesy extended to potential customers.
I must apologize for Miss Piggys' repeated callbacks to your home and her abusive language. In reviewing the recordings of Miss Piggys' station, I have verified the statements attributed to her in your letter dated May 15th. She is no longer employed by April Fools, Inc., and I can assure we have taken every possible step to make sure this does not happen again.
As our way of apologizing, I have authorized complimentary 12-month subscriptions in your name to our magazine We are all FOOLS. Additionally, should you wish to renew your subscription upon expiration you may do so at 50 percent off the current rate.
Again, I apologize for Miss Piggys' actions. If there is anything else I can do to rectify this situation, please let me know.


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